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20Bet Company and its employees are committed to collecting and storing your personal data according to the strictest international standards and applicable regulations to ensure its safety and proper handling.It's our intention to keep you informed of how the information we collect from you is used and stored. Changes to this privacy policy were made to ensure its compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).This Privacy Policy describes the data processing methods utilized by our Company and the options you have when it comes to your information handled by us.20Bet has every intention of offering detailed and accurate information on the use of cookies to allow every person accessing our website to make an informed decision about the storage of such files on their device.If you ever have any questions, concerns or suggestions regarding the data we collect from you, or general questions about our services, please do not hesitate to contact us at
[email protected]Should you become concerned about the use of cookies on any of the pages of our website, please feel free to send detailed information about it to us at [email protected]. 1. PRIVACY20Bet as a company undertakes to keep the data it's trusted with completely secure.This Privacy Policy explains how exactly we collect your information when you choose to use our services, as well as how we use it after that.This Privacy Policy will be agreed upon between you and 20Bet (hereinafter "We", "Us" or "Our", if applicable). Please note that by using our website and its services you are acting as a party to this Privacy Policy.Changes to this Privacy Policy can be made from time to time. You will be able to keep abreast of those changes by checking with our websites and platforms. It's your responsibility to check with our Privacy Policy and stay abreast of the latest modifications. 2. CONSENT TO HAVING YOUR PERSONAL DATA PROCESSED YOUR RIGHTS AS A DATA SUBJECT20Bet only begins to process your personal data following your express approval. You agree that this approval constitutes informed, explicit and freely given consent (hereinafter referred to as Consent) to process your personal data according to this Privacy Policy.Your Consent to process personal data may be granted by you or a representative appointed by you in any of the following ways:- In written form, in which case your Consent must contain the following:first name, last name and patronymic (if applicable), residential address, number of the document used to identify the data subject, as well as the document's date of issue and authority;in case the Consent is given by a representative - notarized power of attorney or another document that confirms the relevant authority of the representative;the postal address of 20Bet for receiving the consent granted by the data subject;purposes for which personal data provided will be processed;a full list of personal data for which the consent is given;the name and address of the person or legal entity entitled to process the personal data for which the consent is granted on behalf of 20Bet, in the event the processing is delegated to them;a list of actions regarding personal data for which the consent is being given, as well as an overview of the processing methods that can be used to process it;the period of the Consent validity during which the data may be processed, as well as in which way the Consent can be withdrawn;a signature of the person granting the Consent or their legal representative. - By performing specific actions that expressly indicate the will to establish a legal relationship with the 20Bet Company, such as signing up with 20Bet and creating an account, registering to the services offered, executing money transactions into an account previously created. Performing such actions is a condition that enables the person to participate in betting on the 20Bet website according to the Terms and Conditions, registering bets, and receiving winnings through the account created as to comply with the rules set forth by the gambling operator. Your Consent is not required for processing your data in any of the following situations:when processing of the data is required for purposes outlined in international agreements of local legislature, for the due performance of legal duties and functions;when personal data must be processed survive justice or execute an official court decision or another decision by a relevant legal body;when personal data must be processed to protect vital interests of the personal data subject, including but not limited to their health and life;when personal data must be processed exercise legitimate right and interests of the Company or third parties, as long as your rights and freedoms are not violated;when personal data must be processed to the end of achieving specific statistical data, as well as for other research purposes. In this case your personal data will be anonymized, except for cases when otherwise required for marketing purposes;when an unlimited number of people have free access to the personal data being processed as granted by you;when the personal data being processed is subject to obligatory disclosure according to local laws.The Company complies in full with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regarding the procedures of withdrawing consent already granted, obtaining information about your personal data availability, as well as having your information amended, blocked or permanently erased by 20Bet. 3. WHY WE COLLECT YOUR INFORMATIONThe information we collect includes that used for personal identification purposes, such as first name and last name, date of birth, credit card information, home address, e-mail address, phone number and other details that might be appropriate.You might be asked for personal information when using the website, creating an account or using the services we provide. Personal information that can be requested from you may include:contact details, which include your email address and phone number;residency information (such as your home address);payment information;transaction history;website preferences;feedback provided on services used. We collect, process and store information on our servers according to applicable legislation.When interacting with our websites and using our services, your unique activity log is being recorded, which includes the following information:IP address;time spent using the website;date of access;specific pages viewed;language preferences;software crash reports;browser type used.This information is collected and analyzed to make sure we can provide better service.We never collect your information without making you aware of the fact in advance. 4. HOW WE COLLECT AND PROCESS INFORMATIONWe may automatically collect certain data, as mentioned above, as well as obtain your personal information whenever you choose to provide it voluntarily while interacting with the 20Bet website or using other service and communications.Personal information can also be obtained from other service providers and customer lists obtained from third party suppliers in a strictly legal manner and in complete accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.Third-party service providers may be used for technical support of your monetary transactions and proper maintenance of your account.

In no case, we do collect store, or transfer data from your card. The payment operations are carried out entirely through the secure server of the payment gateway.Any personal information obtained in the ways mentioned above from service providers, third-party service suppliers and eCommerce services will be used strictly according to the provisions outlined in this Privacy Policy.Your personal information will be disclosed to third parties in strict accordance with this Privacy Policy and applicable legislation.  5. USING THE DATA COLLECTEDThe personal information you provide is intended to help us offer you high-quality support service, keep you secure throughout the stay on the website, check and verify your identity, properly process your transaction, facilitate your participation in third-party promotions, as well as for a range of other purposes related to the provision of our gaming services.Due to that, during the provision of our services, we may share your personal information with our carefully selected partners (including any other parties that have arrangements with you about the sharing of your data). We may also use the personal information you supplied us with to: send promotional offers and information on the products and services offeredsend promotional offers and information on the products and services offered by our partners to the end of giving you a wider range of services and improving your customer experience.Sometimes we may request that you provide information to us via special surveys and during competitions. You are free to decline participation in such events and not disclose any personal information.Information we may request may include contact details (including your name, email address, phone number), and geographic information (such as your address and postal code), as well as your exact age.It's understood that by participating in any competitions run by the Company and accepting prizes or claiming your winnings you provide consent for us to use your name for promotional purposes without being entitled to any sort of supplemental remuneration, except for cases when such remuneration is required by law.If you haven't decided whether you wish to receive promo information from us, your personal information (such as your email address and phone number) may continue to be used to keep you informed regarding our products and services, as well as notify you about our promotions and other gaming products (such as betting, backgammon, online poker and the like), which may include third party products and services we consider important to let you know about. 6. INFORMATION DISCLOSURE Your personal information does not get disclosed to any other companies, organizations and people not affiliated with 20Bet.Your personal information may be disclosed to other companies, organizations and people not affiliated with 20Bet, as long as you have granted us consent to do so.Your personal information may be disclosed if we are required to do so by law, or we have a good faith belief that doing so is critical to: comply with legal requirements or procedures involving our company or our website, or services we provide, or any other circumstances when we are legally required to do so;protect our rights or property;protect other customers using our products or services; If we have a reason to believe someone has committed or is intending to commit something dishonest and illegal, such as- tampering with games,- committing payment fraud (which includes using stolen cards),- requesting payment reversals and cancelations,- performing prohibited transactions (including money laundering),the Company reserves the right to share this information and your personal information with other gaming websites, law enforcement authorities, credit card companies and other relevant regulatory agencies.Your personal information may be passed on to appropriate institutions to do public research and prevent gaming addiction. 7. ACCESS TO YOUR DATAYou have a choice to opt-out of receiving promotional messages from us using any of the following ways:by opting-out in your account settings available on our sites or via our services;by replying to any promo newsletter sent by us;by sending an e-mail to our customer service representative via any of the channels available. Also, you can get in touch with us at any moment if you need: to know which information we collect, process and store, as well as the sources we obtained it from;to confirm the accuracy of personal information you supplied or we obtained in any other way;to update the personal information collected and currently stored;to file a complaint regarding how your personal information is being used. We will update any information already being stored as long as you manage to prove such changes are reasonable and necessary, as well as provide sufficient proof of your identity.To clarify, no provisions of this Privacy Policy shall keep us from having to share your Personal Information if we are required to do so by a formal request filed by an appropriate law authority of your country.  8. COOKIES INFORMATION STORED ON YOUR DEVICEWhen you are using our services, there is certain information being stored on your device with your consent. This information is commonly known as cookies, which represent small text files storing your preferences. Cookies are always stored on your device while using service during website visits.We also use flash cookies, which are similar to browser cookies described above and allow us to store information about your visits across our various websites.Neither type of cookies can be used to gain access to your device or computer and use any information stored on them. Both types of cookies are used for monitoring purposes only.These methods are also used to see how exactly you are using our services and which your preferences are. Cookies are useful for monitoring site traffic and improving the services provided to the end of increasing your interest in staying with us as a customer. Flash cookies and browser cookies also help us ensure you are shown only relevant and precisely targeted ads. STRICTLY NECESSARY COOKIESStrictly necessary cookies is a term used for cookies crucial for the user to navigate a website and use all of the features available, including access to the portions of the website designed for making payments. These cookies are in place to ensure the proper functioning of a website.REGISTRATION COOKIESThese cookies keep the information you enter upon registration and let us provide you with quality services. This data is utilized for us to get a better understanding of what you need as a customer and to ensure you enjoy your visit and our services.WEBSITE COOKIESThese cookies are used to collect information on how the visitors were using the services offered. There are different types of cookies based on what they are intended for:‘Session-based’ cookies. These cookies are stored on your device during your visit to the website and help faster navigation. Their use allows offering our registered customers more relevant information and experience. These cookies expire automatically when your browser is closed. ‘Persistent’ cookies (also include flash cookies). These cookies stay on your computer during a specific period of time.‘Analytical’ cookies. These cookies are in place to count how many visitors came to the website and used our services, which helps us improve your navigation experience and allow you to find things faster.You make a decision and you always have a choice of whether to accept or decline cookies.Most web browsers accept cookies by default, but if you choose to, you can always modify your browser settings to have full control over the cookies accepted.Using your web browser, you can delete, block or allow all cookies, block cookies from third parties, clear all cookies upon closing the browser, start incognito mode sessions to browse the internet without storing any data on your device, as well as extend the options available within your browser by installing add-ons and plug-ins. Below you can find links to information on managing cookies in various browsers:Managing cookies in
Internet ExplorerManaging cookies in ChromeManaging cookies in FirefoxManaging cookies in SafariManaging cookies in OperaFor more information please view www.aboutcookies.org where instructions on controlling and deleting cookies can be found.Please note that we are not responsible for any content on other websites. Also, it's our duty to inform you that by disabling cookies you will not be able to access the full features of 20Bet.FLASH COOKIESFlash Player allows managing your preferences - the settings can be changed to the end of preventing the use of flash cookies.Please note that choosing to decline all cookies will keep you from being able to use some of the features and services otherwise available. For instance, you will be unable to choose the interface language. 9. CONSENT TO INFORMATION PASSED TO ELECTRONIC SERVICE PROVIDERS To be able to play real money games on our website, you will need to transfer money to your player account. You will also need to be able to withdraw funds from your account. To facilitate those processes, we may resort to third party electronic payment systems.By accepting this Privacy Policy you also provide your consent to your personal information being transferred to third parties as required for proper processing of your transactions, including outside of your country in some cases. We have measures in place to ensure security when third party systems are used for payment processing. 10. CONSENT TO BEING SUBJECTED TO SECURITY REVIEWSOur Company reserves the right to carry out security reviews at its discretion to the end of verifying the personal information you provided upon registration, verifying financial transactions and ensuring proper use of the services provided. This may be done to ensure there are no violations of applicable laws or our Terms and Conditions.By continuing to use our services and thereby accepting our Terms and Conditions in their entirety, you are authorizing us to use and disclose your personal information to third parties to the end of conducting such security reviews at our discretion, which may involve transferring your information outside of your country. Security reviews may include (but are not limited to) ordering credit reports and checking the information provided against the available third-party databases. 11. SECURITYRealizing the importance of offering complete security to our users, our company is committed to employing all available methods to ensure the confidentiality of your data and accessibility of any information necessary. All personal information obtained from you is stored, encrypted, in a database protected by password and regularly updated firewall software. Our Services rely on 128-bit encryption SSL Version 3 with.We also make every possible effort to ensure adequate security measures are taken by our affiliates, subsidiaries, agents, suppliers etc. However, you should be aware that sending information over the internet is by definition never totally secure, as a result we are unable to guarantee your data security in the process of sending. Therefore please be warned that you are SENDING ANY DATA AT YOUR OWN RISK. Once your data is received, 20Bet has proper procedures and methods in place to ensure its security. 12. PROTECTION OF MINORSOur services are not intended and therefore should not be used by minors (those under the age of 18 or lawful age based on their jurisdiction).Any person signing up with us and using our services confirms, expressly or by using our services, they are at least 18 or lawful age based on their jurisdiction. According to our policy, security reviews are conducted to uncover any attempts to use our services by minors. Should we become aware of any attempts of minors to submit personal information and start using our services, we will take all necessary measures to remove such information from our records.

13. INTERNATIONAL DATA TRANSFERSPlease be advised that personal information we collected from you may be stored and processed in any country based on where gaming services are provided by our affiliates, suppliers, partners or agents.By using our services, you give your consent to have any information supplied transferred outside your country, including to countries whose privacy laws may not be considered as adequate.Nevertheless, we do our best to ensure our affiliates, agents, partners and suppliers comply with the international privacy standards and adhere to this Privacy Policy.

14. THIRD-PARTY RELATIONSHIPSWhen you provide any of your information to a third party website linked to our services, or your personal information is being processed and managed by any third party affiliated with us or otherwise, we are unable to ensure the protection of such information, as those parties' websites are neither owned nor operated by us.Please exercise caution when providing your personal information to any third parties and be informed that the use of this information will be governed by the applicable policies of those parties.

15. LEGAL DISCLAIMEROur company shall not be held liable for any events beyond our direct control. We shall not be liable for any damage, direct or indirect, arousing from unlawful use or theft of your personal information.Due to modern technologies being complex and ever-changing by nature, we apply our best effort to ensure error-free smooth operation and confidentiality of your information when redirecting you to other websites. However, we are unable to provide any guarantees regarding websites beyond our control and not covered by this Privacy Policy. When visiting such websites, please be advised that those website operators can also collect your personal information, using and processing it according to their privacy policies which may be different from ours. Please make sure to familiarize yourself with those policies before consenting to your personal information collected and used.We are also unable to guarantee the security of your personal information while it's being transmitted through various channels of communication, even though we make every effort to ensure safe processing and transmitting. Please be warned that you are SENDING ANY DATA AT YOUR OWN RISK. 16. CONSENT TO PRIVACY POLICY By using our services you expressly and freely declare your agreement with our Privacy Policy and grant us the right to collect, process, and store your personal information.This Privacy Policy should be evaluated in conjunction with our Terms and Conditions, as well as any Terms and Conditions posted on our other platforms and websites.Changes may be made to this Privacy Policy from time to time, of which you can keep notified by checking with our Terms regularly. Your continued use of our services following any such modifications constitutes your acceptance of the new Privacy Policy in its entirety.This is our 20Bet.com entire and exclusive Privacy Policy effective from 01.01.2020. and superseding any previous versions. It's your responsibility to check with our terms and stay abreast of the latest modifications. 17. ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING/COMBATING THE FINANCING OF TERRORISMThe 20Bet betting company has measures in place to prevent and combat money laundering and international terrorism (the AML Policy). The Company has a zero-tolerance policy towards any illegal activities. To fulfill its obligations according to the AML policy, the Company undertakes to inform all appropriate authorities if there is ever any reason to suspect any funds deposited by any users at any point were linked, directly or otherwise, to any illegal activities, including but not limited to terrorism. The company undertakes to block any such funds and take appropriate measures outlined in the AML policy. Money laundering means the following:- attempting to hide or actually hiding information regarding ownership, source, location, movement or disposal of any property that was at some point obtained as a result of illegal activity;- moving, converting or performing other similar actions with the property that was obtained as a result of illegal activities to conceal the fact of obtaining it illegally;- assisting persons involved in any of the above-mentioned activities to the end of avoiding legal consequences.Numerous countries have pledged to fight against money laundering and financing of terrorism by preventing the infiltration of illicitly obtained capital into their economy. The company relies on internal laws and regulations, as well as a range of measures to provide any necessary assistance to international organizations combating money laundering and terrorism financing around the world.By creating an account, you are effectively undertaking the following obligations:- to comply with all laws and regulations combating money laundering and financing of terrorism, including but not limited to the АМL Policy;- to have any information in your possession or any suspicions about any of the funds deposited having been received from illegal sources or as a result of any unlawful activity as defined by the appropriate international organizations or applicable laws.- to provide us with any reasonably required information if there are any suspicions about the funds having been obtained illegally. The company is entitled to perform the following activities regarding your information:- collect and store user identification information, as well as any reports on any changes made to that information;- monitor the users' account for any activity that appears suspicious, as well as specific operations;- ban the account of any user suspected of any involvement in money laundering or any sort of criminal activity. According to the internal legislature, the Company does not have an obligation to inform the user of the fact the account was banned and the information was passed to the relevant authorities. The Company adheres to specific internal AML procedures to perform identity verification, both initial and ongoing, based on each user's individually assessed risk level. Due to that the company will do the following:- request a minimum set of information required for confirming identity, such as your full name, birth date, registration or residential address, as well as financial sources used for depositing;- record and keep all data collected and your proof of identification, as well as records of confirmation methods used;- check your personal information against that of people suspected of terrorist activities as provided by relevant authorities. To the end of confirming the authenticity of the data requested and obtained from users, the Company may request additional documents, such as:- a passport or ID card, or any other document of equal value containing the following information: name, date of birth and photo of the document holder issued by a relevant authority;- a utility bill (can't be older than 3 months) or other documents that can be used to confirm the user's address.Additional information might be requested by the Company if deemed necessary, including notarized copies of documents.

18. DATA RETENTIONAs stated under our Terms and Conditions, both you and the Company can decide to have your Player Account closed at any time. Following the closure of your account, we will retain your personal data on record for as long as required by law. This data shall only be used should it be required by competent authorities in cases of inquiries regarding financial and fiscal records, fraud, money laundering, or investigations into any other illegal activity. You are to note that due to anti-money laundering regulations in licensed gaming jurisdictions in the European Union, we are obliged to retain personal data of players submitted during registration and any data passed on during the operative period of a Player Account for a minimum of five years from last player transaction or account closure. Therefore, requests for erasure prior to the lapse of this period cannot be entertained.


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